Hi Everybuddy -
My good friends at the Kapp Pack tagged me to play a new question and answer game. Here we go.....
What is your favorite place to sleep?

Echo - In my crate. At 9pm every night I let everyone know that it's time for bed.
Meeka - Since I'm the Royal One, I start my snooze on Mom & Dad's bed to watch the news, then go down to my crate when it's over.
Shadow - My crate since that's one of the few places I won't accidentally get squashed by THEM!
Shyla - In my girl's bedroom at the foot of her bed.
Is there a specific trick your humans make you do to get treats?
Echo - They ask me to sit and give paw.
Meeka - Well now, we all know my handsomeness is enough for anyone to reward me with a treat!
Shadow - I have to sit and stay quiet. That's HARD!
Shyla - I squirm with glee (I'm not used to getting things to eat all the time!) then sit. We're working on giving paw. Sometimes I get confused and lie down instead. I'm a rookie at this stuff.
If you could spend an entire day doing anything at all with anyone, what would you do and with whom?
Echo - I'd hang out with my Mom because she loves me the best.
Meeka - That's easy! I'd be with Dad. He lets me do anything I want and adores my Princiliness.
Shadow - I'd visit a house that had NO SIBERIANS!
Shyla - I'd be with my girl doing girly-girl stuff.
What is your favorite toy?
Echo - My Nylabones of course! And Shyla.
Meeka - My customized pretzel stick containers.
Shadow - My stuffies.
Shyla - Anything anyone gives to me, and Echo.
If you could change one thing in your life, what would it be?

Echo - I'd give every homeless doggie a forever home.
Meeka - I'd use every abusive football player as a chew toy.
Shadow - I'd live in a house with NO SIBERIANS!
Shyla - I'd buy my girl a horse that would never dump her and would do everything she asked it to do because I love her more than anything in the whole wide world.