I'm a little worried. Dad took a quiz this morning and the results were less than comforting. I'm wondering if he's qualified to be the leader of the pack. Here's what it revealed:
Dad's ideal pet - a guinea pig
Dad's ideal car - a Checkered Cab
Dad's ideal job - a crook (!!!!)
Dad's afterlife will be spent as - a mouse
I was curious so I took the quiz. Here's MY results:
My ideal car: Mercedes E320 Limo
My ideal job: a lumberjack
Historical figure I am similar to: Christoper Columbus
My afterlife will be spent as - an oil sheik
The band I should be in - Snow Patrol (how appropriate is THAT??!)
Alrighty then! Clearly you can see who has the most potential here! Dad's a bit humbled. You can take the quiz here.
Have you khonsidered listing in on CL somewhere?
Woo might want to khonsider rehoming him in another state -
PeeEssWoo: Off to take the test
Humm... those are some interesting answers. I would be worried too about your dad's ideal pet.
huMom was going to take the test until is asked for her mobile phone #.... guess we will never know if she is a worthy huMom since she is too worried about spam.
Wooooo woo rar rar rar,
Kayla and Maebe
Wow, woo both have some very unique answers there - I have no doubt that my ideal pet would be a new pup pup puppy - Siberian, of course. Hey, Mom, are you listening????
Woo, Thunder
Well Meeshka always says that huskies will rule the world some day; I guess this is just more proof!
Huffle Mawson, Honorary Husky and Explorer Cat
Harrrrrrr ECHO
That test is so strange See my post Harrrrrr.
Cap'n Maverick the Pirate
Wooo, our mom took the test and got some very strange and disturbing answers.
D'Azul, Where Siberians Rule
We are worried about your Dad and our Mom too!
We checked ourselves and found out that Thor will be a Polar Bear in his next life and I (Marco Polo) will be a Horse!! YIPPEE
Thor and Marco Polo
Hi, Echo!
Now they know who is the pack leader!
I am going to try it and see what I get!
Kisses and hugs
Heya everybody!! We finally had to come home but I coulda stayed in the country forever. That quiz looks like fun so maybe me and the Mommy will take it.
Love to all....Mona
You had quite a different set of answers than your pop did!! We will go try that quiz right now!
We have to tolerate these humans and their shortcomings. It's hard work, but since we really run the households that we live in, we can look after them and make sure that they behave themselves.
It said my dream car is a TRACTOR! A TRACTOR?!?! What is that, some kind of anti-Kansas thing? HRMPH!
Play bows,
I'd be questioning your Dad's ability too. A guinea pig? No response other than husky is appropriate. Keep an eye on him. He might try to steal your toys.
A guinea pig? I would definately worry. Good thing you have your Mom around for back up Leader of the Pack.
Thanks for voting for me! Mom went back to figure out when they sent the original email about the contest and she couldn't find it. It makes us feel better that you guys didn't know about it either. I'm going to start preparing for next year's contest, especially now that I know I'll have you as competition! lol
Hello Echo, We've given you an award. come by our place and see
That shows the natural superiority of Sibes over humans
Princess Eva
Fascinating quiz! Ari would love to join you as a lumberjack: one of her favorite hobbies is shredding bark and making kindling.
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