It's Wednesday and that's the day I will share a website which I find noteworthy! Today I'm sharing the website for Dogtown.

Dogtown is an amazing rescue run by Best Friends Animal Society. It is located in Southern Utah and sits on over 30,000 acres. They have a staff of approximately 60 professionals - vets, vet assistants, behaviorists, trainers, and everything in between as well as many kind hearted volunteers who come from all over the country. Some regularly "vacation" at Dogtown to donate their much needed and appreciated time and love. They have a rapid response team which travels worldwide to come to the aid of animals in need. They are able to house up to 2000 animals. The ultimate goal is to provide any care required and to place them into loving homes however some never reach that goal. Many of the animals come from local shelters and rescues who recogize that Dogtown is that animal's only chance. They often require rehabilitation and medical care too costly for local groups to provide. They are often the animals that are labeled "unadoptable" due to severe behavioral issues through no fault of their own, and among their guests are 22 of Michael Vick's dogs. All of these animals have a permanent home at Dogtown and are loved and nurtured until they pass on their own with dignity and knowing they were loved. Extreme measures are taken to keep the animal thriving and happy due to the generous donations of their supporters. No medical treatment is considered too costly. We are excited to report that you can have a weekly glimpse into the inner workings of this astounding facility.

The National Geographic Channel has developed a weekly documentary that highlights the stories of various residents at Dogtown. It is aired on Saturday evenings at 9pm, but check your local listings. In past episodes you will meet Animal -

a small ball of fur who was rescued from a horrific puppy mill situation. Completely unsocialized and extremely aggressive, Sherry - a very loving and patient behaviorist - was able to earn his trust. Watch as his unique personality eventually emerges. There's Tiki and Hemi -

2 adorable puppies just a few weeks old left to bake in a tire pile in the middle of the Utah desert where temperatures reach well over 110 degrees. Their life expectancy was 24 agonizing hours in that pile. You'll watch their journey which happily ends in the arms of their new families. You'll meet Bruno -

a senior Chow who was discarded at a shelter with health issues too numerous to mention. These are the stories that make us understand how important an open mind and an open heart is in the animal world. We are aware of the atrocities human beings are capable of but it's places like Dogtown that make us see there's many more out there that have hearts so large that it almost makes up for the sadness.
For this we give the staff at Dogtown and also to National Geographic Channel two paws up!
Good choice!!
That is so wonderful! What an amazing place - an incredible rescue operation!!!
Mom probably can't watch that show, though - it would make her cry. She gets like that, you know.
God bless the Best Friends Animal Society!!!
Tail wags,
we've been watching that show. Mom cried and cried when Bruno died. She so wanted him to make it.
Thank you for telling us about Dogtown. We're going to visit and read about them. Some people are so cruel! And then there are the rescuers and adopters.
jans funny farm
Oh Echo,
We saw some of the trailers for DogTown last week, but have yet to watch it! I hope it's one Mom can bear to view......she has to be really selective in which type of Animal shows she can handle without
getting too wet eyed. I hope maybe we can get her to tuff it up and drop in on it! It sounds wonderful!
Frankie Grrrl
Wow that sounds like a wonderful place. I wish we were closer so we could go visit that place...
Mom still wants to open a rescue farm when she retires.. She keeps saying "Come on Retirement"
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus and Louie
Echo, thanks so much for this great site! I get so disheartened by all the bad news about dogs out there: it's good to be reminded about the happy endings, too!
Wow! What an amazing place. We'll be sure to set the DVR to record it!
Woo woo, Kelsey Ann
Hi, Echo!
Thanks for telling us about this great place. God bless all that people who work there!
We've never seen that program on National Geographic but sure will do!
Kisses and hugs
Hi Echo! What a wonderful place. That's what mommy & daddy want to do when they can get the funds. Thanks fur sharing.
Love Licks & waggin TX tails barking loud!
it is very lucky you don't have -18 degrees like here in ehphraim and -25 in the mountains, and no SNOW
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