We are so pleased to accept a fantastic award from The Army Of Four!

It's called The Thinking Blogger Award. It is given to Blogs which make readers think. Wow - we are having such a wonderful time blogging and are so touched that so many seem to enjoy reading what we have to say. With this honor comes the responsibility of passing this award on to five other Blogs. The criteria is as follows:
1. You must write a post with links to 5 blogs that make you think
2. Acknowledge this post.
3. Optional: Proudly display the Thinking Blogger Award with a link to the post that you wrote.
4. Go tell your humans to fork over the treats!
It's always tough to choose just a few blogs to honor since we'd like to give it to everyone! After much thought we are passing this particular award on to:
Peanut - His Dad is in the military and is away from his pack, doing such a monumentally important job. His Mom and family are at home dealing with life without him. That always makes us think how important it is to let military families know how much we appreciate their sacrifices, and be there to support them through the hardships.
Turbo - He's running for President and makes us think about many of the world's current issues. He really seems to put things into perspective and has us all looking forward to his pending election.
Lorenza - This adorable dachshund who lives in Mexico makes us think about different cultures and how diverse our world is. It's fun to hear about the yummy foods her family prepares and how they celebrate holidays.
The Kapp Pack - Kelsey Ann's Mom makes us think about how important family is. She works as a special needs teacher and still makes time for her adorable biped, her extended family, and of course, her beloved pack, volunteers with rescue, and still keeps a sense of humor.
Five Happy Hounds - Their Mom makes us think about how big some people's hearts are. She adopts the pets that are passed by due to health or other issues, nurtures and cares for them, and gives them wonderful lives despite the heartache that often lurks just around the corner.
Congratulations friends! You make us think and that's a good thing!
Hi-Woo Echo,
We wants to thank you for the "You Make My Day Award." It's great to know that we have made such good friends in the blogging community. We're baaaack! It's been a little rough going fur our family but we've been there to make them laugh & giving our support. Mommy said that there is an 'open invitation' any time Yur Girl wants to come visit our horsies & she could even try them out. Daddy wouldn't let mommy bring Charlie home to visit, ha-ha. He could help keep the grass in the backyard short wifout having to pay the guys who mow it!
Talks to ya soon,
-Cosmos & Juneau-
Pee Ess: Where's the snow in PGH! We wants to run around & play in it. Not fair that we are getting all of this warmer weather wif rain. Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!!
Thank woo for this wonderful award!
Those are some great nominations!!!
Thanks for this award. It made mom a little weepy to read what you wrote (don't feel bad though she is just overly emotional about everything lately). We are honored to get this from you.
THanks for the award!!! We are very honored. Mom was really touched by the nice things you said about her. SHe sometimes feels like she should be doing more but we remind her she's only one person and we need our cuddle time with her too!
Woo woo, Kelsey Ann
Congratulation on the award, Echo! Your blog is a wonderful read.
Hi, Echo!
Congratulations on your award! And thanks for giving it to me!
Now, I have to think!
Kisses and hugs
Hey Echo. Thank you so much for the Make My Day Award. It was very nice of you. We try to make things fun for all, and now that we're back, we'll do even better!
Husky Hugs to all, MayaMarie
Congrats on your award Echo. And what fab doggies to give the award to for all of those special reasons!
You do make us think (and in a good way too)! Congrats on the award. You deserve it. :)
Oh Ekhho - how khorrekht you were about the what lurks around the khorner -
Nice selekhtion StateMate!
Sad Wags and Wuv,
Congratulations! And very good choices to pass the award on to.
jans funny farm
Hey, Echo, congrats on the award! We just stopped by from Sasha's blog to say hi, since we're new to blogging.
you desrve everys award, echo, we have a duaghter in north carolina, ashbrough, master works in greensbourgh...heard of any of them, my name is foster and i don't have a blog,,,all my cousins do, bark, platoon, sppeding..i think your work to find hagris(sp) is noteworthy...also your friendship with my heros armay of four(we named after armay..platoon), knapp pack, brat pack, thrawn, all siberians(you know that slightly fattenened russians are healthier than skinny americans..right??)
Congratulations! IT is a very prestigous award! You got a great blog
Love Licks & waggin TX tails
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