Hi Everybuddy -
It's that time again.....it's Website Wednesday! Today we're going to have a little fun. Those who know Mom are aware that she has a real soft spot in her heart for the mutts of the world. She LOVES the mixed breed dogs and there sure are alot of em! Oh yeah - she adores us too but how much perfection can one live with? There has to be SOME unpredictability in life right? Throw caution to the wind and live dangerously - make your own mutt. Visit Animal Planet's Mutt Maker and have some fun!
Happy Wednesday!
P.S. At the risk of speaking too soon, I think summer got blown away in Pennsylvania last night. Oh....not Summer with the capital S - summer with the small s.

Oh.....and before I go I must wish Mom & Dad a very happy Anniwoosery! Today they've been married more than a quarter of a century. WOO! Mom said she'd marry Dad all over again. I see that getting married involves CAKE. They could have at least waited for me to have a big cake like that. Hmmph.
Happy anniversary to your mom and dad! Wooooo! That's how long our mom and dad have been married, too!
I hope you're right about summer being about over. We're ready for COLD!
We're on our way over to that website!
Haroo Echo
Wish your Mom & Dad all the best from us at Team Husky!!! Maybe they should renew their vows & have CAKE!!!
I think I found summer with a small 's' - it's arrived here:( Getting quite warm so we're not running anymore, just walking & jogging.
Woo Woos
I agree with Prince. Your parents should get married all over again. And you should get your very own cake!!
Hi-Woo Echo,
Happy Anniwoosery to yur mom & dad. Pretty cake. Thanx for the well wishes to our mommy. She is on the mend. Stop by our blog cuz Juneau did an update on him being a poopy-head & a lil bad puppy yesterday. I did not egg him or nufthing.
Til next time,
In regard to your comment on my blog, I am honored to be among your favorites. I hope you don't mind that I've reciprocated and added you to my list.
Fluffiness to you
Awww, Happy Anniversary Echo's mom and dad! Did they celebrate today with cake???? I hope you got some if they did....we are enjoying the cooler weather!
Woo woo, Kelsey Ann
AO4 - Mom says this was the "lobster year" since they celebrated with a yummy waterbug dinner.
Team Husky - GREAT idea! I'll have to mention that to Mom.
Steve - I can invite all my blogger friends and we'll all celebrate....with CAKE!
Cosmos - You're a good sport buddy!
Meeshka - Thanks for adding me to your list! I'll be visiting often.
Kelsey Ann - Mom and Dad celebrated with a yummy Lobester dinner and White Chocolate Cheescake for dessert and NONE FOR ME!
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