Hi Everybuddy -

Since it's a dreary, damp Friday and Mom found something fun, we have to share. Give Halloween Hangman a try. But be careful - it's addictive! *
For your viewing pleasure here's a picture of Shyla demonstrating what's on her agenda for this dreary and wet fall day. We thought it was appropriate to decorate with her today since she's a bewootiful pumpkin color:
Happy Friday!
*Echo will not be responsible for any reprimands received at work for playing games on company time.
I'm just hanging out on a nothing-to-do rainy Friday, too. The house is TOO QUIET wifout the demon puppy in it. I thought I would never say that, but it is true! I'm waiting for mommy to tell me how he's doing from his procedure (getting "fixed") at the vets.
Oh, WOW! Shyla is so bee-roo-tiful! A little cinnamon bun!
Play bows,
Oh I love that sleepy position. Mom took off my lampshade and I so enjoyed sleeping like that. My nose missed my tail so much.
Shyla is a beautiful color for the fall.
Husky Hugs, MayaMarie
Hi again Echo!
We added you to our pals list too. Gotta tell you, we're kinda partial to Shyla's beawootiful fall color, she looks the same color as our Cracker.
Bama & the RHP
Shyla looks like a pumpkin! So pretty.
Shyla looks very cute in her husky sleeping pose! We liked your revenge for the nail clipping incendent! Our humans are very brave and clip our nails themselves! They don't do it to Eva often enough so they call her talon-girl! We'll have to get a picture of those nails of her! Belly Rubs, Tasha & Eva.
WOOO Look at Shyla in that beautiful furry donut!!!
Ok, you're right, that WAS addictive!
Love the donut pic!!
That is a beoow-ti-ful pose. Shyla is so pretty!
I hope you don't mind, mommy added a link to you from my blog.
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