Hi everybuddy -
My good buddy Shiloh posted this new game and tagged me. So here we go! This is what you do:
List one fact that is somehow relevant to you and your life for each letter of your middle name. If you don’t have a middle name, use the middle name you would have liked to have had.
Let's see now. My official name is Merlin's Echo so that would mean my middle name is Echo:
E = Extraordinary
C = Cute
H = Happy
O = Obnoxious (Meeka picked that one)
Hmmm....Meeka doesn't have an official name so we'll go with His Royal Highness which would therefore give us Royal:
R = Royal (of course)
O = Obstinate
Y = Yacking
A = Affectionate
L = Loyal
Shadow - well.......she's often known as Shadow Missy Muffin so we'll go with Missy:
M = Manic
I = Intelligent
S = Sensitive
S = Sweet
Y = Yodeler
Shyla - let's think - Mom calls her Shyla Pretty Princess so we'll go with Pretty:
P = Pretty
R = Red
E = Exceptional
T = Tiny
T = Tail - and BOY does she have a tail!
Y = Young
There! That was a fun one. I tag Cosmos & Juneau!
Very enlightening answers!!!
-Kelsey Ann
Aww, what a great picture! and trrrific answers
Cool tag game! I like thing things you came up with. Very cool!!
Good answers!
Steve & Kat
Oh perfect answers! I am glad you shared :)
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