Hi Everybuddy -
My good friends at the Kapp Pack tagged me to play a new question and answer game. Here we go.....
What is your favorite place to sleep?

Echo - In my crate. At 9pm every night I let everyone know that it's time for bed.
Meeka - Since I'm the Royal One, I start my snooze on Mom & Dad's bed to watch the news, then go down to my crate when it's over.
Shadow - My crate since that's one of the few places I won't accidentally get squashed by THEM!
Shyla - In my girl's bedroom at the foot of her bed.
Is there a specific trick your humans make you do to get treats?
Echo - They ask me to sit and give paw.
Meeka - Well now, we all know my handsomeness is enough for anyone to reward me with a treat!
Shadow - I have to sit and stay quiet. That's HARD!
Shyla - I squirm with glee (I'm not used to getting things to eat all the time!) then sit. We're working on giving paw. Sometimes I get confused and lie down instead. I'm a rookie at this stuff.
If you could spend an entire day doing anything at all with anyone, what would you do and with whom?
Echo - I'd hang out with my Mom because she loves me the best.
Meeka - That's easy! I'd be with Dad. He lets me do anything I want and adores my Princiliness.
Shadow - I'd visit a house that had NO SIBERIANS!
Shyla - I'd be with my girl doing girly-girl stuff.
What is your favorite toy?
Echo - My Nylabones of course! And Shyla.
Meeka - My customized pretzel stick containers.
Shadow - My stuffies.
Shyla - Anything anyone gives to me, and Echo.
If you could change one thing in your life, what would it be?

Echo - I'd give every homeless doggie a forever home.
Meeka - I'd use every abusive football player as a chew toy.
Shadow - I'd live in a house with NO SIBERIANS!
Shyla - I'd buy my girl a horse that would never dump her and would do everything she asked it to do because I love her more than anything in the whole wide world.
Great answers! It was fun to learn more about the daily events at your house. Now if only every homeless husky had a home.
-Kelsey Ann
You'all had good answers and I bet you have an exciting household. Everyone has an opinion.
Homes for all homeless hukies is a must.
Oh, no, they make you do tricks???
We'll get on our assignment later this weekend - we promise!
Wow you sleep in your crates at night? Sometimes I go in mine, but I prefer to sleep out of it. We used to have to sleep in them, but for the last several months, Mom and Dad have trusted us enough to let us out at night, and we have done well at not ruining it!
Kelsey Ann - Oh yes! We have lots of interesting daily events!
MayaMarie - Exciting houshold? Some would say! LOL
Sasha - I know. Tricks. Go figure.
G&S - We'll be waiting!
Steve - Mom and Dad are still surprised we love our crates so much. They leave the doors open and often find us resting inside.
Great answers, everypup! It's fun to learn more about all of you! Shadow ... you aren't really anti Siberian, are you?
Tail wags,
I pawed by your bloggie!
That's some fun fun answers you got there.. I don't give paw meself.. I give both paws on their laps whenever I want some foodie!
Uh-oh, I have not caught up with the last tag game. I better do two in one.
Cool answers! I like spending time with my humans too. And napping of course.
I think that is very sweet & loving about you wanting your 'girl' to have a horse that will not dump or hurt her. She looks like she has a great 'seat' sitting on her horse. You need to have a heart-to-woo-heart talk with her horse. I finally had to sell a horse who didn't care about me or himself on a ride. He was a part of my family for 3 years. I had 2 big falls off of him, & he quit respecting & listening to me. It was time to say enough. That's when I got my gentle Charlie Horse. But, I am not in competition like your girl. I just ride the trails for fun.
Echo, Cosmos is thinking up his answers to the questions & I will be helping him to post them real soon. By-the-way Echo, have you been writing to Juneau on the sly, hmmm?!?! He just used another phone as his chew toy when we thought he was blocked in the kitchen. This one was in our living room. The little stinker decided that no gate should hold him!!
Hey Echo! We finally answered your question about cartoon characters! Drop by the Ao4 Digest!
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