Thursday, April 7, 2011

In Memory

Ralph Waldo Emerson once said - "It is not the length of life, but depth of life". I attribute many of my life lessons to the privilege of spending some very special days with my precious boys - Meeka & Echo. They each came with a story and maybe a little baggage. Though some might perceive that as daunting we never did. In fact, we were always amazed at the wisdom that came with their trials in life. It was ingrained in their souls and made them who they were. Each day was a new adventure and my family and I represented the "extras" in their cast of characters. Some may have found that to be unacceptable - we however, were honored. It is this attitude that is required to successfully coexist with a Siberian. The mere fact that they often would lie next to us, sometimes even touching a paw to our hand communicating something far more that only we could understand.

We always knew one day we'd have to say goodbye. It was just something that would enter your mind and you'd quickly push it aside. Meeka's demise came quickly leaving us a mere 2 weeks to come to grips with the inevitable. A mass was discovered and it swiftly grew. As gut wrenching as it was we made that excruciatingly painful decision that many pet owners must make. A final gift to the one that gave you the best years of his life so that he would not suffer and could leave with dignity. He passed very quickly which to us was his way of saying that he was tired and so ready. Echo left our world on his own terms, sparing us the pain of making that final decision. He was happily playing in our home one minute, and was gone the next - collapsing in front of me, dropping his favorite bone that he had been carrying. I've spent many years pondering which would be worse - having to make that fateful decision for them, or having them make it for me. I still don't have that answer.

Life has changed since they have left us. Many, many tears have been shed. I can barely say their names without noticing the lump in my throat. This ride is over and it was such a good one. The boys were my family's introduction to the concept of rescue. It taught us that the world can be a cruel place yet we are surrounded by compassionate, caring people and have watched so many dogs overcome so much. It has taught us resiliency. Each dog has a story and their gentle faces are haunting, reminding us that no obstacle is worth giving up the fight. We've made many friends along the way. Meeka and Echo's legacy will not end and on their behalf we will continue to devote our efforts and time to rescue. They will forever remain in our hearts and one day we'll see them again.

This will be my final post on Echo’s blog. Although his life has ended, his spirit is alive and is bright. He made so many precious friends through his blog and we have treasured their numerous adventures and comments and will continue to visit their blogs. We hope that Echo’s story has touched some hearts along the way and will encourage others to become involved with rescue even if for just an hour. We ask that in his memory, please donate a small moment of your life to a rescue or shelter. Volunteer for a few hours....ask what you can do to help whether it be transporting, walking, brushing, or stuffing envelopes. Spend a moment petting a rescue dog looking for his forever home.... look into his eyes and tell him that he's special and that he's loved. Tell him he’s beautiful and didn’t do anything wrong. Tell him he’ll find his forever family, and that they’re worth waiting for. Then tell him Meeka and Echo sent you.

With all our love -


♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

What a loving and beautiful tribute to your two special pups! We don't know how you were ever able to get through the creation of the post and video - the tears are flowing and flowing here for all of you.

Hugs and woos, Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Mom

The Army of Four said...

We'll never forget Meeka and Echo. Ever.
What a beautiful tribute -
Play bows and luv,
Zim and Dave
and lots and lots of hugs from our mom

Lacy said...

w00fs, Tears here too...a bute ti ful tribute to 2 bute fi ful dogs...RIP Meeka and Echo, run with the wind!!!

The Hudson Furkids
and mama...

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Mom read this at work - and knew straightaway I'd want to include it on my Friday post -

We know you know how strongly we believe in rescue - and how it rocks -

It is why we do what we do each Sunday - the reason we share the pics and videos of the 75 miles that represent just a portion of their journey to FUREVER happiness -

This was a pawesome tribute to special hearts and souls -

Of course, some of them aren't physically with us BUT they live on each second of each day of each week in the ones that are still physically here!

Khyra and Phyll

D.K. Wall said...

What a beautiful post and video to Meeka and Echo. Thank you for sharing their lives with us.

Biloxi and Siber-sibs said...

This is such a beautiful and heartwarming tibute for 2 very special dogs who live on in your hearts forever.
Meeka and Echo will always be with you.
My tears are flowing because what you have written is felt by so many of us. Thank you.

Husky kisses,
Biloxi's mom,
Biloxi, Vada, Danya, Ivanna, Nikita

H.A. Turbofire, Sibertarian said...

Thank you for sharing your pups and this tribute!

Khady Lynn said...

With tears flowing so hard I could hardly get through reading and then the video. What an incredible tribute to your beautiful boys. We always loved reading your blog and watching all the fun antics your pack experienced.

Rescue is a powerful and wonderful thing. We recently got our first Sibe rescue here in Omaha and mom couldn't wait to volunteer. She is loving every minute of it!

Echo and Meeka are together at the bridge, continuing their fun and waiting for their sisters and the rest of you to join them one day.

With many warm thoughts and lots of cyber-hugs coming your way.

Holly, Khady Lynn and their mom, Jan

Thor said...

We will always remember Meeka and Echo. They were the first level of our friendship, though not the only, and will be thought of often, with love and affection. Woos from the pack, and love from all of us.

Lorenza said...

Thanks for sharing your beautiful tribute to Meeka and Echo.
They will be always in my heart.
I love you.
Kisses and hugs

♥♥♥♥Team Husky♥♥♥♥ said...

That was such a moving tribute to too amazingly wonderful and much loved pups. We have enjoyed The Daily Echo for a number of years and often think of sweet Meeka and Echo.

Please give big hugs to Shadow, Shyla and your newest pack member, Shanuk. They are all such lucky pups to be members of your family!!!

I know that my Prince would have met both Meeka and Echo at the Bridge and that they will have had many many romps together!!!

Aleeya and Team Husky

Flurry and Aja said...

That was a beautiful tribute to your two special loves. I am crying my eyes out here with you. Their spirit and their memory will live on for a long time with all of us.

And when God chooses you will be reunited in Heaven with them again where they are patiently waiting for you to join them.

Lots of hugs from Carol, Flurry, Aja, and the flock!

HuskyGsdMom said...

What a beautiful tribute to 2 beautiful dogs.

Jack & Moo said...

Beautiful tribute to your two handsome boys, I cried all the way thru it. Yours was one of the first blogs I followed, and at that time, my pack consisted of Star & Sherman. They are both playing at the Bridge now as well, and I wouldn't be surprised if they were there to greet Meeka and Echo with excited woofs & howls.

Thank you for sharing Echo and Meeka with us, and many loving hugs to Shadow, Shyla and Shanuk.

In Peace, Jack & Moo & mama Pat
(our word is "sylly", very fitting for Siberians, don't you think?"

Jans Funny Farm said...

A beautiful and moving tribute to Meeka and Echo. We too are teary.

Christine said...

Love this. <3 <3 <3

Shmoo said...


Meeshka and the gimpy gang

Asta said...

Ouw teaws awe flowing
youw twiboote to Meeka and Echo is too bootiful and inspiwing. They will always be hewe watching and loving and inspiwing so many
Thank you fow shawing theiw lives wif us
wun wif the wind sweet bootiful woofies
smoochie teawful kisses

KT and Easton said...

Queen Khyra spirited me over to your blog. A more beautiful post about your precious boys I have never read. I am new to rescue and can identify with everything said. Abbreviated senior rescue is what I chose, and the first loss was devastating. I WILL get back on the horse; I just don't know when. Two more stars in the sky and two sweet boys for Lady to show around the Rainbow Bridge. She loves the big boys!!!!

ForPetsSake said...

I, too learned of you and your pack when you 1st lost your kiddos. I was moved then, but never truly knew them. I knew only my own love for my Huskeroo and how much it hurts to imagine losing her.
I am still crying here for your pain and how much you've suffered. Like the OP pack said, I can't imagine how hard it was to write your tribute and create that video. You are strong.
I hope that you don't leave the blog world entirely - you are a talented writer. I am truly sorry that I didn't know Meeka and Echo, but as all god Sibes, they are certainly running free, chasing that aurora borealis. Many hugs.

Tweedles -- that's me said...

The tribute is so beautiful...
i am overwhelmed with tears,, as I know you have been.
I send you love

Dandy Duke said...

What a beautiful tribute to Meeka and Echo. The tears are flowing here.

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Christine said...

What great memories and a wonderful tribute. <3 <3 Conan and Moose send their thoughts and love.

Two Schnauzers from New England said...

We saw this on Khyra' blog. This is such a beautiful tribute to your two special pals. We did not get to know them but we know they will always be with you in spirit.

Unfortunately we were not able to see the video, Internet Explorer was being a little cranky.

Love -

Hershey and Kaci

TimberLove said...

peace to you & yours,

RA & Isis

-The Mullin Clan's Mommy- said...

Such a bewootiful tribute to yur 2 Sibes. Echo was one of R first blogging buddies when we started R bloggie. R mommy had tears running down her face while reading yur post. I think my pawrents R so lucky that I adopted them!!

Hugz & Kissies,
Cosmos & also Juneau & Mommy-Marlene, too

Shane Kent Louis said...

this was a great tribute for your pups! :)

Dog Fence | It's All About Pet Fences

TimberLove said...

hope you are well and at peace,

RA, Isis & Nanük